Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Wednesday Political Videos

Big hat tips to Prof. Marcus and Lukery for this (here - and how right Sibel Edmonds is)...

...and shifting gears a bit, here's my response to this Atrios post (tongue in cheek, of course) on Rudy! (God, Tweety looks like Murrow reincanated for a few fleeting seconds; I must be dreaming!).

...and of course, we must consider this "soft focus" moment with second wife Donna Hanover (hope things are still dreamy between "America's Mayor" and Judi N.)...

...and here's another tribute to the 2007 "Dregs Of The Year".


lukery said...

Doomsy - thanks for posting the Sibel video.

I actually pulled that one that you are linking to - but there's a near replica of it at

doomsy said...

I just updated the link - thanks.