Tuesday, July 18, 2006

When In Doubt, Hate The Gays

So it sounds like the Delaware County Sikh community is solidly behind “Crazy Curt” Weldon because both Weldon and Sikh representatives are opposed to gay unions of any kind.

Well, it looks like the Repugs will have to try again next year to ban same sex marriage (and you KNOW that will happen), since their amendment failed again today.

However, I don’t suppose that would matter to the Sikhs who might actually want to weigh the positions of Weldon and Joe Sestak on other issues (and Joe raised more money than Weldon in the second quarter of this year, by the way...he brought in $700,000, and by contrast, the long-time incumbent and career 7th district Repug politician of “Able Danger” infamy took in $400,000 – kind of a shame that that matters, but it does, and it says something about Sestak’s momentum).

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