Monday, January 16, 2006

Legacy Of A Dream

Profmarcus at Take It Personally has some good words about the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose birthday we are commemorating today (linking to an extended post by Juan Cole). Also, here is more from a diarist at The Daily Kos. Finally, Geov Parrish at Working For Change has some chastening words (some of it is a bit of a stretch, but I think he's basically correct).

The Philadelphia Inquirer also had an excellent editorial today (trying to recover from their horrific endorsement of Alito yesterday). The paper also had a story on Friday of students at Barratt School in South Philadelphia watching a speech that King gave at the school in 1967 and how moving an experience it was for them (registration required for both).

Update: By the way, check out The Raw Story for info on Al Gore's speech invoking King and attacking Bushco for its assault on the Constitution (hat tips to Atrios and Brandoland). posted a link to an excerpt of King's Barratt School speech; it was truly wonderful to watch and listen once more. I've tested this and it should work fine (best for broadband). Here's the link.

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