Friday, December 02, 2005

Jeff Gannon, Meet Baghdad Bob

Oh, isn’t this just peachy?

Also, I like the way CNN buries the quote from Ted Kennedy as far down as they possibly can on the page. Still, though, I recognized a lot of the story reproduced from this article, so they’re definitely going in the right direction in trying to figure out what “the Lincoln Group” is all about (I’m not surprised they’re still looking for interns).

Meanwhile, 10 more of our Marines were killed by a roadside bomb today (link).

“Freedom” marches on.

1 comment:

doomsy said...

I don't think there's a need for Dubya to pay off Faux News to get them to tow the line for him...they just do it out of the "goodness" of their coal-black hearts. Thanks for checking in.