Monday, November 14, 2005

Tougher Than The Rest

I noted below that I agreed with the notion put forward by Pete Hill of Princeton that Rush Holt would be a terrific choice to take the place of Jon Corzine as he leaves the U.S. Senate to assume his new job as governor of New Jersey (and little Dougie Forrester today is crying; awww, if it weren’t for Dubya and the aftermath of Katrina, “I woulda won, I would won, I would won…baaawwwllll!!!!!").

I have to admit, though, that “Dubya fatigue,” if you can call it that, is setting in big time (especially in states which are “blue” to begin with). Also, I said at the beginning of the campaign that the Corzine-Forrester battle didn’t look like it was going to do anything to advance the cause of progressive politics, and I’m still waiting to be proven wrong on that (installing Rush Holt in the Senate, though, would be the best progressive development we could expect).

However, if the rocket scientist (which Holt literally is, by the way) somehow doesn’t end up with this prize, I can think of only one other deserving individual…


For most politicians, their barroom eyes shine “vacancy,” but The Boss knows what it means to steal, to cheat, to lie: what it’s like to live and die. He’s lost everything he’s ever loved or feared, including you and me and all that stuff we’re so scared of.

Lost but not forgotten, from the dark heart of a dream, is the man from Freehold, NJ, who can blow away the lies that leave you nothing but lost and brokenhearted.

I know Bruce once said, “I’m gonna push my way through that crowd, I’m gonna tear all the walls down,” and I know he means it. Like you and me, it seems that he’s been playin’ the game way too long, and it seems the game he’s played has made them strong. He’s no hero, that’s understood, but like all of us, he knows that, after every hard-earned day, people find some reason to believe.


(Hat tip to HuffPo for both links minus CNN…)

Update 11/18: Typical petty Repug garbage...


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doomsy said...


How nice to hear from you again as you provide more constructive feedback. It had been so long since you took the opportunity to comment on my Eagles post that you thought Al Gore was crazy.

I have not been responding to your posts because your rhetoric is become more and more confrontational. I suppose mine was a bit in the response to the David Limbaugh column on your site, but more than anything, I was trying to clear up the myriad misunderstandings from what he wrote.

My time is at a premium, especially as we get closer to the holidays, so I will concentrate on trying to produce the best content that I can for anyone else who may wish to read it and therefore devote less time to the apparently futile effort of trying to engage you in something that approximates a meaningful dialogue. However, since your opinion is no better or worse than anyone else's, you may feel free to comment any time you wish to do so at this site.