Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Green Like The Sludge

I’m not blaming Monica Yant Kinney, the Philadelphia Inquirer’s NJ metro columnist, for this one (registration required). At least she’s a columnist who bothers to go out to talk to people and get some background and have some clue concerning her subject matter (are you reading this by any chance, J.D. Mullane?). She has to do her “political gadfly” thing.

However, it should be noted that, by virtue of his campaign appearances with Karl Rove and Dick Cheney, Doug Forrester has firmly embedded himself inside the hip pocket of the most environmentally hostile presidential administration this country has ever seen, or hopefully will see.

Kinney is also right to say that Forrester kind of stole Corzine’s thunder a bit on this issue. However, let’s not forget that, unlike a CEO with BeneCard (have to double check to find out if that is still Forrester’s current title), Corzine is still currently a U.S. Senator who has to sponsor and vote on legislation, serve on committees, and perform other types of constituent service in N.J. and Washington, D.C. that limits his ability to make appearances. I’m not making excuses. I’m just stating facts (besides, Corzine has addressed the environment already).

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