Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday Stuff

Once more, The Lincoln Project shows a spine that the national Democratic Party refuses to demonstrate (as far as I’m concerned, the latest example from Kaine, Hassan and Hickenlooper in the Senate is here...confirm absolutely no one from this criminal regime until King Elon I ends this DOGE insanity, but not before putting right everything and his flunkies have destroyed)...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen and Marc Elias discuss Repugs in the House being encouraged to hold “tele” town halls as opposed to facing their constituents in person (since those protesting must be “crisis actors” or something, according to the RNC), taking a page from the book used spinelessly by Bri-Fi among others, who refuses to hold in-person town halls to this day (and of course, Bri-Fi’s numbskull supporters continue to reward this behavior by sending him back to Washington every 2 years...glad to see Bri-Fi himself getting a dig here)...and as far as I’m concerned, it’s typical con man/crook behavior for Mango Mussolini to say, “Oh, don’t blame ME for cuts to Medicare/Medicaid; it’s really the fault of Congress,” kind of like a CEO who gets named chairman of the board, hires someone to take his place as CEO and then says, “Don’t blame ME for the layoffs – I hired somebody ELSE to run my company even though I still call the shots behind the scenes”...and in response to Elias’s question as to whether or not Repugs in Congress are playing dumb or really are that dumb, I would respond by saying that there are so many millionaires in the House and the Senate that they likely REALLY ARE that out of touch...

...and Kyle Kulinkski tells us about mass resignations from King Elon’s DOGE staff; looks like 20 legit data scientists said “F this” after they got harassed by these Musk fan boy punks...additionally, the Ketamine addict apparently sent an Email to government agencies saying “give me 5 bullet points of what you did – if you don’t, that’s your resignation” and people rightly flipped out...shocked that Kash Patel didn’t give in, which is a fluke as far as I’m concerned...and by the way, Elmo, “Old Twitter” had a hell of a lot more value than that trash fire you’ve turned it into (and now #47 and his sycophants are acting like “Elon Musk? Head of DOGE? Never heard of him – it’s really this nondescript woman manager no one has ever heard of who’s on vacation in Mexico.”) – I’d say that we’re being run by an administration out of a Seinfeld episode, but that’s probably being too kind...and altering records from Biden showing #46 wanted to purchase about $483K in Tesla vehicles, then backdating the records to make it look like Biden really wanted to spend $400 million instead? Lock their asses up! (NSFW/H)...

...and Chris Hayes informs us that, apparently, Uday Trump’s hunting buddy will be the new food regulator at the FDA...and apparently, this character has made a name for himself litigating against food safety regulation (Hayes speaks with Adam Serwer about this “Great Re-segregation,” which I think is an apt term, and also the forcing out of General C.Q. Brown of the Joint Chiefs and Admiral Lisa Franchetti)...I’m not exactly sure why Hayes is pivoting here to Woodrow Wilson from over a hundred years ago; yes, Wilson fell down on race a bit, though he did speak out against lynching (albeit a bit late) – I think Wilson evolved on that issue a bit, but not a lot I realize...good point by Serwer about how the federal government used to provide a ladder of sorts when It came to mobility for minorities because of on-the-job anti-discrimination protections (oh, but now, "That's DEI, so it's baaaaad!!!"...removing my tongue from my cheek)...

...and Tennessee Brando finds some fresh new Repug hell over this MAGA state senator named Shane Jett who spoke out against a bill that banned physical punishment against disabled kids (and quoted from the Bible, because of of astonishing that that ban needed to be codified into law in the first place, but then again, we’re talking about Oklahoma here, folks...and kudos to Brando for shooting down that nonsense about kids identifying as cats and needing littler boxes, a story pushed by Rojo The Clown among others (NSFW/H also)...

...and here’s a great newer rockin’ number to lead us into the weekend...and once more, don’t forget that today is boycott day.

Update: For reasons that are too long and boring to get into, I know that a lot of stuff I post here is a little “behind the curve,” but I still try to keep content at this site as current as I can. That being said, I know about the train wreck today with Bronzer Beelzebub, Couch Boy and President Zelenskyy for what it’s worth. I don’t have much to add at the moment, but I can assure you that I will adress that soon.

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