This TikTok-er made a pretty solid case IMO as to how our president-elect is doing the bidding of Vlad The Butcher once more when it comes to Greenland, Panama and Canada (more emphasis is here...NSFW/H)...
No lies detected!
— Meidas_Charise Lee (@charise_lee) December 27, 2024
...oh, and while our corporate media and allegedly elite “decision makers” were carrying on about how Biden was supposedly too old to be president, did you know that the GOP chair of the House Appropriations Committee had apparently checked into a nursing home, and in the memory care facility no less? I’m referring to Texas congresswoman Kay Granger...and no, I’m not against Granger getting the care that she needs (even though her party would deny that to millions of others if they could), but far as I’m concerned, Granger should be forced to pay back her salary for all the days she was out (she’s officially stepping down with the new session of Congress due to begin next month)...also interesting IMO that I don’t recall hearing a peep out of “Team D” on this; at least, nothing I’ve been able to track down anyway...and yes, even when Granger was in control of her faculties, her votes were indeed terrible...Kyle Kulinski explains (NSFW/H also)...
...and this Rebel HQ clip presents Connecticut Dem U.S. Senator Chris Murphy discussing the three-pronged attack from Mango Mussolini to try and turn this country into an oligarchy (assuming we’re not there already of course, unfortunately): 1) Prosecuting Liz Cheney criminally, 2) Trump’s lawsuit against the Iowa pollster and the newspaper for publishing election information he doesn’t like, and 3) ABC paying Trump $15 million to make the George S. lawsuit go away even though Stephanopoulos was substantively correct in his reporting on #45/47...
...and David Pakman presents data to support his argument that corporate media is losing its grip given the results of the election...I think there’s a bit of a cyclical element to this as Pakman says (when the political circus gets revved up again, some of these folks will come back to CNN and MSNBC, assuming they still exist in their present form), but to be honest, I think the majority of the people tuning out of legacy media now realize how they got utterly played by the election “horserace” coverage (as opposed to dumb stuff I guess like, y’know, actual policy and proposed legislation) and walking away more or less is their form of protest...the worst part to me is that this will indirectly benefit Fix Noise because their audience of sheep will tune in regardless...and yes, I blame the media outlets themselves for allowing this situation to occur; this was entirely predictable given that the affected networks made the decision long ago to value “balance” in coverage over analysis of verifiable truth and reality, and their viewers have finally gotten wise to that...
... and speaking of The Roger Ailes BS Factory, it looks like the engagement of Sean Inanity and Ainsley Earhardt is considered “news”...and by the way, if people at that network want to play around on their spouses, that’s their business (seedy and lowdown as it is), but don’t do that and then turn around and pretend to be moral arbiters for anybody else (and isn’t Earhardt just too precious for words...“WHAT ABOUT THE MAJORITY???!!” huh? What a freaking bimbo!)...
...and in keeping with my annual custom, I want to take a minute or two and thank everyone who has spent any time at this site over the prior year, indulging me and my musings on politics, news, legal stuff, and a host of other subjects. I don’t pretend to be some font of eternal wisdom or anything, but in accordance with my bio, I try to cut through the BS, you might say, and present the best content that I can (usually from other creators who I happen to agree with, I’ll admit).
For better or worse, I started this thing in 2005 as response to Dubya and all of the myriad screwups of his ruinous term; a whole bunch of other folks did likewise, creating their own presences online, though they largely have moved on since then. I may have said this before, but I’ll repeat it...what triggered me in particular was a speech Dubya gave on the 60th anniversary commemoration of VE Day. It was written by the late Michael Gerson, who had kind of a demented “gift” for couching some really ugly attacks on those who dared question #43 by using some flowery language (Gerson, you’ll recall, was the guy who coined the phrase “the soft bigotry of low expectations” for those who opposed Dubya’s version of No Child Left Behind). In his speech, Dubya basically said that the Global War on Terror (remember that one?) was more important than World War II (again, speaking Gerson’s words). That was a cut at the sacrifice of my father and millions of other men and women during that era which pretty much infuriated me, and I decided to start this thing not having a clue as to whether or not it would make a difference, mainly to get back at Dubya and movement conservatism in general. That said, if you’d told me back then that I’d be in the middle of my 20th year of doing this and saying these words, I would have told you that you were nuts (shows what I know I guess).
Going back all of those years, though, I have to confess that I feel less certain about continuing to do this now than at any prior point over all of this time. I firmly believe that the incoming bunch of criminals, grifters and various other bottom feeders are going to prove their utter incompetence on the world stage; they’re going to try and do everything President Elon says, but they’re going to find that it is utterly tanking the economy and will end up loosening the reins a bit (on the orders of the “one percent” and no one else). However, that doesn’t mean that they can’t do a hell of a lot of damage in the meantime. Things are going to be bad, people, but what form that will take exactly is something that I don’t think anybody can determine at the moment.
Does that mean that we should automatically comply with everything this incoming regime wants? Hell freaking no! We still have myriad tools to use to resist, and we should be unrelenting in that effort. And there are a hell of a lot more of us than there are of them.
So with that in mind, I offer our final tune of 2024 to commemorate the 78th birthday of Patti Smith (and I read "Just Kids" this year which was mainly about Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe...a terrific book). Let’s do everything that our means allows to continue nurturing the oldest representative democracy on earth, for our families, friends and untold future generations.
Update 1/1/25: And all the best in the new year to one and all, if I didn't say that in so many words.
Dearest Writer, So very sorry that I won't be reading your writings anymore 😢 especially since I just started in the summer 😊 I only hope you find another venue to express your views (which I agree).You are truly a wonderful writer, don't stop 🤎moe
Thanks so much moe - I greatly appreciate it...all the best for the new year.
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