Sunday, December 08, 2024

Sunday Stuff

Farron Cousins lets us know that #45/47 is about to bring back Peter Navarro as one of his economic advisors, which is a pretty clear sign that Mango Mussolini intends to enact those ridiculous tariffs of his, and it looks like auto workers will be one of the first to get hit with the backfire (as shown in the cartoon)...didn’t know that half of our auto parts come from Canada and Mexico, but yeah, that figures too (and great point by Cousins that cars are assembled in this country with parts from elsewhere)...

...and this gentleman (again, hat tip to Bill Madden on Xitter for this) gives the best explanation I’ve heard to date on why those ridiculous tariffs are NOT going to bring back manufacturing to this country...the Cousins clip has to do mainly with Canada and Mexico, but this pertains to China (NSFW/H)...

...and here are more seasonal numbers...

...and whenever I get into holiday mode like this, I often end up forgetting the 12/7 birthday of the incomparable Tom Waits, so please allow me to make amends for that now...happy 75th...

...and I now present our annual remembrance.

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