Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

Kyle Kulinski tells us about the latest Trumpian stoo-pidity, this time over saying the Presidential Medal of Freedom is somehow “better” than the Congressional Medal of Honor for our military, which the leader of Cult 45 blabbered about when introducing Miriam Adelson, widow of Sheldon, who donated gobs of dough on behalf of "Bibi" and his hateful regime (and who received a Presidential Medal of Freedom previously for it); Kyle gives a pretty good rundown of all of the ways the Gropenfuhrer bent over backwards for “the chosen people,” along with a terrific response from a vet on the medal BS...and seriously, are you surprised by this? (NSFW/H)...

...and Jesse Dollemore tells us about Cantaloupe Capone peddling more BS about tariffs before an audience of lemmings in Wilkes-Barre, PA (and as noted here, Our Ochre Abomination basically had to bribe our farmers at unsustainable levels to offset the impact of his dunderheaded economic policy, including the tariffs he supposedly loves)...

...and Miss Beau informs us that the idiot caucus in the U.S. House issued its impeachment report on Biden...still sounds like a nothing burger, which shouldn’t be surprising, timed to try and deflect from the Dem Convention in Chicago of course...and yeah, yet another shut down is looming because these GOP assclowns STILL can’t pass a budget on time...

...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report brings us the news that, apparently, a focus group of Repug voters REALLY HATES J.D. Vance...c’est dommage! – clip also includes an extensive interview with Russell Vought, who makes it pretty damn clear that the Repug presidential and VP nominees are up to their eyeballs in Project 2025, which of course turned off at least one voter profiled in the Frank Luntz segment (NSFW/H)...

Update: Just keep f*cking that couch, J.D. - you're doing great (here and here).


...and this video from More Perfect Union tells us about the ongoing crisis in “the Sunshine State” with homeowners insurance; 1.2 million residents are insured publicly since private insurance is priced out of sight for most homeowners...didn’t know about the “trickle down” negative effects of losing homeowner’s insurance, but it makes sense unfortunately...and why am I not surprised that former Dem governor Charlie Crist apparently tried to make sure that Citizens Property Insurance was the insurer of last resort, but “Meatball Ron” blew that all up of course...and even the name “Slide Insurance” fills me with zero confidence...and the company was founded by an Enron lawyer, huh? What could go wrong, I wonder?...also didn’t know that State Farm was a member of ALEC, but it doesn’t surprise me in the least (and that quote from #DeathSantis at the end about “left-wing things” is a doozy all right...more garbage from the Flori-DUUH! guv is here)...

...and I don't know about you, but I'm in the mood for an upbeat summer tune while the season is still upon us.

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