Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

Robert Reich tells us about some important SCOTUS-related history on rulings that have led to corporations acquiring outsized influence in our elections, at the expense of voters victimized by the equally awful Shelby County v. Holder decision, to say nothing of the rest of us (knowing our Philistines in robes, I’m sure more legal atrocities will be forthcoming, and believe me when I tell you that I want to be wrong)...

...and Chris Hayes discusses U.S. Senate Repugs lining up behind Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence (And 34-Count Convicted Felon), as well as the response to Maryland Repug U.S. Senate candidate Larry Hogan when he tried to find what I guess you could call some kind of a diplomatic way to address #45’s criminality (to ensure that this vitally important U.S. Senate seat remains in Democratic hands, click here)...

Update: Absolutely beyond belief, even for these troglodytes in "the world's greatest deliberative body" (here).

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” from 6/5/ noted here, there was a particularly horrific terror attack on London Bridge on 6/3 that year, but true to form, our brave Brit friends tracked down those responsible, meted out justice, and carried on (such attacks occurred with frightening frequency leading up the events of 6/3...I put up this video at the time, and I’d just like to include it again as a tribute to the land from which we’ve just returned, and that goes for the people too of course)...

...and don’t look now, but our neighbor to the south just elected a progressive woman as president, and apparently someone pretty eco-friendly also...would that we would do the same...and by the way, AMLO is this guy (slightly NSFW/H)...

...and David Doel informs us here that “Bibi” and his bloodthirsty Israeli pals have been using fake online accounts to influence opinion on their latest incursion into Gaza (particularly aimed at U.S. lawmakers)...yeah, as the “X” poster said, if Russia, North Korea or Iran had done this, there’d be plenty of outrage, but likely bupkes since it’s coming from our “ally”...

...and happy belated 80th birthday to Roger Ball of the Average White Band.

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