Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us that there have been about 1,000 complaints trying to get Judge Aileen Cannon removed from the classified docs case for Our Treasonous Orange Nightmare...yeah, this Judge William Pryor is all “nothing to see here” while Cannon’s ridiculous behavior on the bench goes unchallenged...and I guess we’re supposed to just ignore the fact that Pryor is also one of the most hard-right jurists in this country, to the point of being considered for the Court of Hangin’ Judge JR under the Gropenfuhrer, as Cousins informs us...

...and David Pakman tells us about U.S. Senate Repugs blocking a bill to protect contraception as noted here, including Tim Scott, who of course tries to take this in the direction of OMIGOD, THE DEMOCRAT PARTY WANTS POST-BIRTH ABORTIONS!!! while of course refusing to answer the question put to him by Bret Baier of Fix Noise, which is why the hell did you vote against a bill to protect contraception (the reality perspective against Scott’s ridiculous nonsense is here)...

...and John, David Shuster and Wosny Lambre of TYT bring us the story of cops in Burlington, Vermont staging a mock shooting as part of some classroom exercise...um, wasn’t there a (checks notes...) REAL attack there that paralyzed a Palestinian, with 2 others getting shot (here)? Who could have POSSIBLY imagined that this was a good idea? And maybe I shouldn’t say this, but having been to that town a couple of times, I would have thought they would know better than to do this, but I shouldn’t bias my observations I know...

...and Chris Hayes presents the following on “Dark Brandon” dealing with OPEC to minimize the shock of oil pricing...Hayes speaks with oil trader Dan Dicker on how “No Malarkey Joe” has manipulated the oil market to our benefit, which may be something else that generates a collective “yawn” from our oh-so-august-in-their-imaginations corporate media...I think that graph at about 6:20 tells a pretty amazing story about “buying low and selling high”...

...and continuing with money matters “across the pond,” I have to admit that I went out of order with my clips from Jonathan Pie – apologies – but here is his take on the U.K. economy under the rule of the Tories, and Rishi Sunak in particular...kind of a dark reason not to fear anything from Labour (maybe there really is no more dough), but there you are (NSFW/H)...

...and happy 75th birthday to drummer Frank Beard of ZZ Top.

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