Friday, April 19, 2024

Friday Stuff

Farron Cousins presents an ad from the Republican Accountability Project against the Gropenfuhrer and his boasting about ending Roe; the ad points out that 33 million women live in states where abortion is effectively illegal (and it looks like U.S. Senate Repug idiot Joni Ernst went out of her way to remind everybody which party is responsible for this atrocity)...

Update 1: And apparently Lex Luthor Scott wants to join the party, as it were (here).

Update 2: Gee, isn’t it great that we made women’s health care the responsibility of the states instead of enshrining Roe into law the way those dirty hippies wanted (#sarcasm – here)?

...and it appears that Marjorie Traitor Greene recently gained the support of equally useless U.S. House idiot Thomas Massie in Greene’s bid to try and oust Johnson as House Speaker...and the Mayorkas impeachment in the Senate got the treatment it deserved (here – NSFW/H)...

...and this clip from Sam Van Pykeren, Ari Berman and Mother Jones explains How Minority Rule Is Threatening U.S. Democracy Like Never Before...the point is that this country has been governed by a privileged class since its founding, and that is taking on new dimensions in our current era that we have to be on the lookout against and fight as our time and means allows (I know he’s hawking a book, but Berman is a pretty bright guy when it comes to this stuff of the great points is the obscene amount of wealth from our politicians in this current time – how the hell can you expect them to represent us as opposed to their rich pals unless we scream out heads off, as it were? - clip is slightly NSFW/H also)...

...and the next time you hear anybody say, “oh, the two major political parties are the same...there’s no point in voting,” show them this clip of Dem U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff in Georgia going after the guy who is STILL somehow U.S. Postmaster General, and that’s Trumpist holdover Louis DeJoy...Ossoff calls out DeJoy over the beyond-ridiculous mail delays in Georgia, particularly around Atlanta apparently (here)...

...and Sam and Emma of The Majority Report discuss what the media gets wrong about Trumpers with author David Masciotra...interesting background on the “exurbs” and how they took off in the ‘90s, right about when Fix Noise started and all of the rage against the Clintons was at full froth, and how the wealth level of those folks definitely belies their “populist” myth (see Jim Worthington of the Newtown Athletic Club in these parts)...yes, I believe Masciotra that a lot of the Trumpers are better off than we think, but there are PLENTY of individuals without a “pot,” if you will, who have signed on also...

...including individuals such as the asshat driving this vehicle (no idea of how wealthy this person is, but I'm guessing he/she is somewhere in the shrinking "middle class")...

...and this definitely isn’t the way I was planning to end the week – RIP Dickey Betts of The Allman Brothers Band...I’m sure a few folks will recall “Ramblin’ Man” and “Blue Sky” among other tunes, and they’re great, but I’m settling on this one.

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