Friday, April 12, 2024

Friday Stuff

Jesse Dollemore informs us of “15 Votes for Speaker” Kevin McCarthy coming just short of naming Big Stupid Head Matt Gaetz as the reason for McCarthy’s ouster from the speaker role...see, Gaetz supposedly wanted McCarthy to get rid of an ethics investigation into the (alleged) matter of Gaetz having sex with a 17-year-old...the “family values” party strikes again...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that some wingnut group called Border911 recently allowed Combover Caligula to speak, but they may have broken campaign finance law in the process...see, this group, because of their tax status, can’t do the whole political advocacy thing, but if you invite Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence to speak, how can that NOT be political?

...oh, and apparently, #45 will be in the vicinity of Le Manse Doomsy this weekend, but @RepBrianFitz is getting cold feet about paying homage to the leader of his party (here) can run but you can't hide, Bri-Fi - makes me recall this golden oldie...

...and continuing on the subject of our twice-impeached former *preznit, Rachel Maddow tells us about this pretty shady bank that rode to the rescue of Our Ochre Abomination when he ran into financial woes after his abortive reign in An Oval Office mercifully came to an end (Axos Bank, huh?)...and of course, the car loan financial predator who bailed out Dementia J. Trump is this Don Hankey guy, he of the utterly usurious rates for loans charged to individuals and businesses alike (these people doing favors for the Gropenfuhrer obviously haven’t learned the lesson that Everything That Trump Touches Dies, according to Rick Wilson)...

...and Thom Hartmann tells us about some wingnut Astroturf outfit called the Foundation for Government Accountability that is trying to kill the efforts to pass UBI in the states (video lags a bit apparently...yep, the typical one percent bastards are behind the efforts to screw us over yet again...source article is here)...

...and when it comes to the election, David Pakman tells us that Nicole Shanahan, the veep on the ticket with RFK Jr. as the prez candidate, has apparently gone incognito since she was named as junior’s running mate, which is yet another weird development in a totally off-the-wall campaign (good info on Jr. being less of a drag on Biden than he was a few months ago...need to keep that trend going in the right direction)...

...and John and Sharon Reed of The Damage Report inform us that dirty tricksters Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman got what they deserve for racist ’20 robocalls, having to pay up to the tune of $1.25 million...

...and we need to do all we can to make sure a certain Treasonous Insurrectionist doesn’t get anywhere near his old job again...God willing we’ll do that, but in that event, I guess he’ll need another scammy grifting outfit again to fall back on – with that in mind, The Daily Show gives us a glimpse of what “Trump Elementary” would look like...

...and in case you want to feel old for some reason, allow me point out that today is the 70th anniversary of the recording of this song.

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