Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

I know I said something the other day about the “ever-more-disappearing” Rachel Maddow...well, kudos to her because she came roaring back as far as I’m concerned with this commentary on Ronna Romney McDaniel...and I think her comparisons concerning McDaniel at about 9:26-9:30 are perfectly apt (apparently this clip is abridged – Maddow originally spoke for about 29 minutes on the subject on Monday...and based on this, it looks like McDaniel won’t be grifting at The Peacock Network – five to one she lands a gig at Fix Noise in about a week or so)...

Update: Yeah, pretty much.

...and Farron Cousins tells us about Generalissimo Trump’s deal on Truth Septic likely falling apart (I’m sure everyone associated with this circus has been Googling the phrase “pump and dump” like crazy...anybody who thinks issuing an IPO is somehow a “golden ticket” really doesn’t know anything about IPOs for the reasons Cousins states...wouldn’t it be just way too damn funny for the Gropenfuhrer to get a bit of a payday but also lose the ability TO ISSUE HIS 3AM ALL CAPS RANTS WHENEVER HE WANTS ON WHAT WAS ONCE HIS CHOSEN PLATFORM??)...

...and David Pakman tells us about the former Nikki Haley supporters who are switching to Joe Biden rather than support Our Ochre Abomination...I think Pakman is absolutely right to say that these people should be welcomed; at a minimum, we need to preserve our democracy, and if these folks are helping in that effort, then kudos to them – we can split hairs over particular policy points later...

...because our true enemy are life forms like the one driving this vehicle, lets not forget...

...and Jesse Dollemore discusses a Biden/Harris ad that addresses the “four years ago” BS from Bronzer Beelzebub and Sean Inanity...

...and John of The Damage Report brings us the sordid tale of the usual wingnut freaks screaming about the Key Bridge collapse (“deep state actors,” “immigration,” “open borders,” etc...and it’s beyond belief to me that all of these goofballs that John cites here are all “verified” on Twitter, as if that’s worth a bag of spit any more...and I thought this was an interesting related item)...

Update 3/30/24: Related to the Key bridge collapse, it sounds like Repug Maryland guv Larry Hogan has some 'splainin' to do (here).

Update 4/3/24: Great column by Will Bunch on this from here.

...and happy 74th birthday to Tony Banks of Genesis.

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