Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

Rayyvana, Cenk and Jackson White of TYT give us the latest on “Curtsy Kyrsten” and her “let them eat cake” spending (and yeah, I’m sure she’ll end up with KKR or the Carlyle Group – as I and others first said awhile ago, to paraphrase Churchill, it’s plain what Sinema is...all that matters is negotiating her price...when I heard about Sinema paying $110K a month to Tulsi Gabbard’s sister, all I could think of was the BS that Cori Bush has gotten for paying her husband $42K a YEAR for supposedly the same thing, and he’s actually a professional in that business (and to do something about Arizona’s U.S. Senatorial mistake, click here)...

...and I thought this was a pretty good analysis from Sam and Emma of The Majority Report on the recently-failed immigration bill that I alluded to yesterday, including Repug U.S. Senator James Lankford VOTING AGAINST HIS OWN BILL to appease Mango Mussolini, which he likely will do (I thought Sam did a good job of explaining the triangulation – I guess you can call it that – of Chris Murphy trying to get the Ukraine aid by giving the Repugs everything they want on Israel and the border...not trying to attack Murphy, I wish to emphasize...and of course Lankford does nothing but toss red meat to his Trumpist base in response to Jake Tapper’s question, truth and factual reality be damned)...

Update: My money is on Sean Inanity, proving once more that the Repug Party works for Fix Noise and not the other way around (here...and what a "profile in pudding" by Lankford BTW).

Update 1 2/8/24: OK, so it was this Jesse Kelly life form (here).

...and John and Francesca of The Damage Report bring us the sorry tale of J.D. Vance from “The world’s greatest deliberative body” admitting he would have confirmed a duplicate set of electors on 1/6...and I realize I’ll probably be repeating this for the rest of my days in response to meat heads like Vance, but here I go again...THERE WERE NO FREAKING PROBLEMS WITH PENNSYLVANIA’S ELECTIONS IN 2020, YOU CORRUPT, LYING WEASEL!! Repugs won one – ONE! – lawsuit, and it had to do with not counting mail-in ballots where the address was accidentally written on the secret envelope. THAT’S IT!!! And as I watched this, I couldn’t help but think of all of the poll workers giving up because they don’t want to be “swatted,” doxed or otherwise attacked (to say nothing of family members also) by single-digit-IQ’d Trumpist life forms WHO THINK VANCE IS ACTUALLY TELLING THE TRUTH!! (more here).

And oh yeah, nice job by Vance to utterly wreck the bill providing relief to the people in East Palestine (here and here)...anybody remember them??...

Update 2 2/8/24: More here.

...and when it comes to the “D” team, Thom Hartmann tells us how President Biden’s economic policy echoes FDR, Truman, JFK, and LBJ by investing in manufacturing from the bottom, FTC investigating mergers/monopolies, etc. (yes, more to do, etc., but let’s not lose sight of exactly where we are with this stuff, versus where we’d be with, God forbid, President Combover Caligula for another term)...

...and for more good news form our side, Mike Figueredo tells us about Connecticut guv Ned Lamont forgiving medical debt to the tune of $1 billion for about 250K eligible residents, which is the #1 cause of bankruptcy in this country...and yeah, it was pretty funny to hear that Repug in that state pretending to care about other social spending in response (I remember Lamont’s run for the Senate against “Holy Joe” Lieberman, and I’m glad to see how much good he’s been able to accomplish in his life in politics in this current role...NSFW/H)...

...and I’ll be honest; I really wasn’t planning to say anything about Toby Keith one way or the other until I came across this great tweet...he entertained our military, so he deserves credit for that, but otherwise I thought he was a POS (yes, I know, you’re not supposed to talk ill of the dead, but Keith had no problem talking smack about libs, as noted in the tweet, especially during the high-and-mighty, ruinous Bushco reign).

About the incident in question...Keith could have owned up to it and taken his lumps, but no, he said it never happened. Kris Kristofferson, for his part, took the high road and kind of blew it off, which he had the right to do. However, Kristofferson’s wife confirmed that the incident took place (proving once more that Keith only acted like a “man” when he attacked women rockers).

Well, if that isn’t an excuse for a Kristofferson tune, I don’t know what is.

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