Thursday, January 25, 2024

Thursday Stuff

David Doel tells us about millionaires and billionaires telling those gathered at Davos to tax them more (and man, is that Princeton study ever depressing, but I know it’s 100 percent true...not surprised that the U.S. has the most millionaires, and there was a time when I once thought that was a GOOD thing...I don’t think I’d ever heard Abigail Disney before, but dayyum, does she get it)...

...and I’d also never heard of Charlie Shamp and Hank Kunneman before, but Jesse Dollemore gives us the gory details, particularly about Ron (“Tree of Righteousness”) #DeathSantis...

...and John and Sharon Reed of The Damage Report discuss the new “king of late nite,” according to Bill Maher (please) talking about AOC in a sexualized fashion, because of course...she checks just about all of the wingnut checkboxes – beautiful woman of color, intelligent, articulate, and in a position of power for the “D” team, so of course the wingnuts freak the “f” pitiably sad...

...and Farron Cousins takes us inside the latest numbers related to the Gropenfuhrer, i.e., how he fared in the New Hampshire primary vs. Nikki Haley, and he has to realize that he’s screwed, though November is still a long way off... I agree with this analysis, but we can’t sit around and “measure the drapes” either...

...and Robert Reich brings us this video about Biden and the economy...we know “President Manchinema” kneecapped the infrastructure bill, but #46 still managed to do a lot of good stuff with the Inflation Reduction Act and the CHIPS bill...Democrats should be touting this stuff all over the place, but at least it’s good that Reich is doing that here...

Update: More here (once more, I wish Dems generally were MUCH better on social media and took their cue from Bill Pascrell, Jr.).

...and happy belated 85th birthday to Ray Stevens...yeah, I know he went the Branson, MO route you might say, but in his day, he had what I thought were some good tunes, including this one.

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