Thursday, November 16, 2023

Thursday Stuff

I know I’m a little behind on at least one of these clips, but here goes anyway...David Doel tells us about the recent “rally for Israel” with “MAGA Mike” Johnson, John Hagee, Van Jones, etc. (yeah, when you’ve got the “use the Jews as cannon fodder to rapture our asses up to heaven” guy leading the way, that tells you how bonkers all of this is...and no, I haven’t forgotten that Hamas launched that beyond-cowardly hang glider attack on that concert and killed innocent Jews and others and took a bunch of people hostage, which kicked off this latest insanity, and that needs to be put right as much as possible, including making a full accounting of all of the victims, releasing ALL hostages and putting those Hamas murderers in a prison cell and throwing away the opinion or two on that is here...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that Our Ochre Abomination basically went “straight up Adolf” in a recent speech, comparing those who oppose him to vermin, leading to a recent bout of Fix Noise humanoids Brian Kilmeade and Laura Ingraham deciding to attack those who rightly called out #45 over it (more here...another item I'm behind on I'll admit)...

...and speaking of The Roger Ailes BS Factory, Kyle Kulinksi tells us about Fix Noise reporter Jason Donner, who is suing the network because he said he was fired for fact-checking lies about the January 6th insurrection...even if he has a case, I hope he’s prepared for the fact that the minions and life forms who congregate to that channel like cockroaches on a dung heap are going to do their best to make his life utterly miserable...and I’m not going to say that some kind of lefty bias doesn’t happen on MSNBC or CNN (MSNBC is pretty much a safe space for Dems I realize), but to argue that those two networks are comparable to the channel of Rupert The Pirate is utterly absurd (NSFW/H)...

..and John and Jayar of The Damage Report tell us that, while he wasn’t making a speech condoning mass slaughter by Israel, the new U.S. House speaker managed to get a stopgap budget passed, with help from Dems of course...looks like the “D” team went along because it keeps current funding levels, but yeah, these 2 CR deadlines look typically ridiculous, which again is all we can expect I suppose when the “party of Lincoln” is in charge of the U.S. House...what a pitiable joke...

...and to prove that we’re living in some kind of a post-Stanley Kubrick timeline of absurdity, Jesse Dollemore tells us that the “QAnon Shaman” is running for Congress from Arizona...hey, at this point, I’m not sure how he can be any worse than Paul Gosar, Bo-Bo Boebert, Marjorie Traitor Greene, Scott Perry, or some of the other upright bipeds currently taking up space in our nation’s capital...

..and happy belated 91st birthday to Petula Clark.

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