Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

Tell me once more how Biden is the one who supposedly has cognitive difficulties; The Lincoln Project brings us about a minute and a half (which is all I can take, to be honest) of our treasonous, delusional narcissistic former *preznit in his most recent public appearance (and yeah, he says he’s in Sioux Falls, when in reality he’s in Sioux City, Iowa...and yes, I know The Lincoln Project are just yesterday’s Republicans, and maybe in the future too, but they keep making good clips for now)...

Update: Duly noted, but as I said, their videos are still good.

...and I know I’m a little behind the news cycle with this David Pakman clip of the Gropenfuhrer giving top secret intel on our nuke subs to Australian billionaire Anthony Pratt, but it’s still a vitally important story...#45 should be in the slam for this if for no other reason, though there are plenty of others of course...

...and Francesca and Nina Turner of The Damage Report bring us proof positive (according to the WaPo) that those stinking December 2017 tax cuts from Combover Caligula (voted for by all Repugs, including this guy, and to do something about Bri-Fi, click here) increased the debt by $10 trillion (along with Dubya's of course)...remember this the next time you hear these frauds carrying on about OH, THE DEBT THAT’S STEALING FROM OUR GRANDKIDS!!!...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that Fix Noise staffers are apparently letting out the secret that Our Ochre Abomination is being blacklisted from live interviews on their propaganda network because they don’t want to get sued by Smartmatic or Dominion again, so they’re only allowing pre-recorded appearances so they can screen what he says in advance...actually, Benedict Donald should be “blacklisted” from appearing on The Roger Ailes BS Channel AT ALL...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 11/3/16, in which Keith Olbermann gives us another of his “The Closer” segments about “Trump TV”...as far as I’m concerned, the only reason why #45 didn’t implement some of the stuff K.O. talks about here is because Our Treasonous Tiny-Handed Former Chief Executive didn’t understand how to wield the power to try and make it happen; in the beyond nightmarish scenario of another Trump term, I believe he would know how to put what Olbermann is talking about into place...

...and given that admittedly frightful prospect, I still would like to wish everyone a Happy Halloween.

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