Sunday, September 03, 2023

Sunday Stuff

Kyle Kulinski tells us about Pope Francis criticizing conservative Catholics for believing ideology over church doctrine; at least, that’s how I interpret the issue (here) Kyle says, people criticizing the pope now had no issues with Benedict or John Paul II since what came from the Vatican aligned with their me, faith should be a constant regardless; yes, there are plenty of times when I've disagreed with the doctrine from Rome, but that doesn’t mean that I ever question the legitimacy of what comes from the “vicar of Christ”...oh, and I can honestly do without Kyle’s snark about the transubstantiation, but I get it that he’s not a believer, and that’s OK...

...and as long as we’re talking about the nexus, if you will, between politics and conservative ideology, allow me to present this from Mike Figueredo about a gay Trump official getting roasted for condemning Texas’s ban on his group (God almighty, bro, when the $#@! are you going to get the memo that THEY THINK YOU’RE NOTHING??!! And yeah, we’re talking about the effing “Log Cabin Republicans” again) – and the fact that it’s Ric Grenell who is SUCH A TRUMPIST LACKEY (especially on the X/Bird app/whenever King Elon I is calling it these days as he ruins it) is truly the cherry on the icing of this sh*t Figueredo says, if Grenell thinks that the “party of Lincoln” is going to do ONE DAMN THING to alienate their hard core evangelical base, particularly at the expense of LGBTQ individuals, then he’s more delusional than I can imagine (NSFW/H)...

...and the latest clip form Leeja Miller explains how Money Is Ruining Democracy (yep)...didn’t know about the Federal Corrupt Practices Act of 1910, and also, the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) of 1971 that allowed corporations to create PACs...Buckley v. Valeo in ’76 was the beginning of loosening the law on “independent” campaign finance spending, further eroding FECA...this may be the best video I’ve yet seen explaining all of the legal stuff that got us to this point...doesn’t get into all of the attacks waged by Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao and his pals against the BCRA (otherwise known as McCain-Feingold), but I realize she can’t cover everything or else this video might run for about 24 hours (also NSFW/H)...

...and speaking of dark money, David Doel tells us that it looks like the Super PAC for Guv #DeathSantis is scaling back its operations big time in states with a lot of delegates for Super Tuesday...and no, I can’t believe we’re even considering this stuff right now – ugh (but way too bad for the “war on woke” candidate)...and yeah, I get it that the Dem Party in Flori-DUUH! needs a lot of work to be sure as Doel mentions, but unfortunately, what wins in that state and elsewhere is the Repugs’ superior ground game and voter outreach, including to Hispanic voters (gosh, voters speaking a language besides English; what a concept, huh @DNC?)...when #DeathSantis pulled that stunt with tricking the African American voters with criminal records into illegally registering (here) and I didn’t hear a peep out of Charlie Crist and Val Demings in response, I knew those two were toast in their respective elections (another mildly NSFW/H clip)...

...and Farron Cousins gives us what I would call a pretty clear-eyed analysis of something called the Republican Accountability Group, or whatever this outfit is...yeah, as Cousins says, they’re right about Our Ochre Abomination, but they’re WRONG to support the “party of Lincoln” in any way whatsoever for the reasons Cousins states, and more...

...and my schedule got a little discombobulated for a variety of reasons, so instead of a “Friday with Frank” clip to mark the unofficial end of summer (sniff), I now present some “Sunday With Sinatra” instead, though I have to admit that I still have a couple of “summer” tunes I plan to get to before I officially “ring down the curtain,” for what it’s worth.

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