Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

Yes, the wild weather we’ve been dealing with in this country is pretty dramatic, including the truly awful story of the lives lost due to flooding at Washington’s Crossing in these parts (here), but John and Jessica Burbank of The Damage Report tell us about mass flooding and heat in Europe, resulting in the deaths of about 61,000 people...we’re long past the point where the climate measures commendably enacted by Biden and congressional Democrats need to be strengthened, and if that means that the MAGA lunatics on Capitol Hill need to have yet another meltdown like the spoiled, coddled children that they are, all the better...

...and David Pakman brings us that clip of RFK Jr. that everyone is quite rightly losing their minds about...yes, it’s bad form to record something off the record like this, but I would argue that, when the remarks are this crazy, that outweighs any claim to proprietary communication...the alleged Democratic candidate for preznit said in the video that COVID was “ethnically targeted” to spare Jews and Chinese...I would worry about this loon screwing up the general election, but hopefully he’ll electorally hang himself before then with insanity like this (until I saw this clip, I hadn’t seen that remark about Ukraine collecting Russian DNA, which is at least as nutty as the other stuff...and the “furin dockin cleave”...WHAAA????)...

...and in the prior clip, we saw RFK Jr. trying to stir up a conspiracy for no good reason, and in the following commentary from Jesse Dollemore, we learn about conservatives saying kids aren’t being taught Cursive so they won’t read the Constitution, which of course is a totally ridiculous argument BUT SPOUTED OFF WITH GREAT AUTHORITAH!!! - NSFW/H...sooo, this wingnuts in these TikTok videos (and is there anybody in creation who DOESN’T have a Tik Tok video at this point?) draw a line from kids not being taught cursive to liberals not having a f*cking backbone, or something – and by the way, in my admittedly limited experience, the whole “Cursive” thing is a parochial school matter as opposed to public schools, and I’m not sure why, but I can tell you that it’s NOT because public school teachers don’t want kids to understand and appreciate our country’s founding documents...

...and speaking of wingnut lunacy, Ana and Cenk (not them) tell us about Megan McArdle of the WaPo saying that higher wages create homelessness, which, as Cenk says, is a right-wing argument that is merely wrong (largely) as opposed to being certifiably insane for the reasons the TYT hosts point out...the clip gets into all kinds of reasons for homelessness, and yes, McArdle does have a bit of a point about housing in LA (though I would argue that that’s a problem nationwide, albeit to varying degrees), but another factor not mentioned is that blocks of real estate have been bought up by private equity firms, and they’re partly to blame for exorbitant rents also (here).

...actually, I did a little research into McArdle, and she’s pretty bonkers, based on the following:
  • She said here that kids should be trained to run at an active shooter if one finds his way into a classroom...what a freaking ghoul.
  • Given her apparent love of guns, she also has a problem with an assault weapons ban of course (here).
  • She also would have had had no problem if Obama had been shot during one of those fascistic rallies protesting the Affordable Care Act (which is actually a law of course now) back in ’09 (here).
  • There’s much more lunacy here (hard to catalog all of the nuttiness in this post...I guess she’s a more strident, female version of David Brooks...nice work if you can get it and still stand to look at yourself in the mirror, I guess).
  • Oh, and I almost forgot this from one of my "betters."
  • Anyway, here's the TYT video...

    ...and I realize that Marjorie Traitor Greene is way too stoo-pid to know that she just handed Dark Brandon one hell of a campaign ad, but that’s what she just did, as The Lincoln Project points out (and the White House response is here on the bird app)...

    ...and here’s a pretty nice summer tune to try and lighten things up a bit.

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