Friday, June 16, 2023

Friday Stuff

I failed to mention last Saturday about the 60th anniversary of JFK’s commencement speech at American University about peace, which, to me, contains wisdom for the ages; fortunately, Thom Hartmann remembered...I always thought that the dark forces that brought us 11/22/63 started going to work in response to Kennedy’s wise words, though of course I’ll never be able to prove that...also, just because another Kennedy is currently in the public eye is no reason to make the awful mistake of thinking he has any intention at all to carry on the legacy of either his father or our 35th president...

..and Mike Figueredo tells us about some goofball guy yelling at short-haired little girls saying they’re trans...ugh (first minute or so of this is a “cis” woman with the alleged crime of having short hair who wanted to go to the bathroom discussing how some elderly lady harassed her when the “cis” woman was merely trying to pee...God almighty, I’m so done with this BS!...and yeah, “trans-vestigating” and “trans-panic” are things, unfortunately – and I can’t imagine how Kentucky Republicans sleep at night, having persecuted apparently the only trans girl in the state who just wanted to play hockey...NSFW/H)...

...and in a related vein, John and Brett Erlich tells us about on the wingnuts losing it over – what? – a tranny covering the nips on boobs at a White House pride event? Really??!! (and here is more on this Todd Starnes character)...

...and as a bit of a follow-up to the Mike Figueredo clip, Leeja Miller asks Why Are Wingnuts So Obsessed With Trans Kids...and with all due respect to Miller, the “culture wars” stuff goes back earlier than Anita Bryant, at least to Roe v. Wade in ’73 (on the part of the Catholic Church, anyway...didn’t really think here about the overlap between the fundie nut jobs and the white power zealots, but I can see that that indeed is a “thing”...NSFW/H)...

...and Kyle Kulinski tells us about that Fix Noise guttersnipe Jesse Watters demonizing the homeless, again (oh, and people are homeless because they’re failures? I ABSOLUTELY DARE Watters to say something like that to our homeless veterans who have served this country...more here)...

...and from “across the pond” comes news of the passing of British MP and legendary actress Glenda Jackson, who in her political life stands tall IMO for this singular moment (oh, and if you think we do “rough and tumble” politics in THIS country, get a load of how Great Britain does it, as shown in this clip)...

Update 6/18/23: I think the Hogarth reference in Jackson’s fine speech has to do with this; that is, the poverty from “Thatcherism” was so extreme that it recalled a centuries-old era when William Hogarth depicted “moral subjects” in his paintings.

...and returning to our shores, Jesse Dollemore brings us Dem U.S. House Rep Dan Goldman, who apparently nails the metaphorical coffin shut on idiot James Comer’s alleged Biden investigation (though, given the propensity of the “party of Lincoln” to tell zombie lies, I’m sure this won’t be the end of this nonsense unfortunately)...

...and when I think of the current U.S. House “leadership” as noted in the Goldman clip, I cannot help but think of this tune.

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