Thursday, May 25, 2023

Thursday Stuff

Chris Hayes speaks with Peter Rogell of Flori-DUUUH! on the “torture” (Rogell’s word, not mine or Hayes’s as he notes) that Ron #DeathSantis inflicted on his family, forcing Deborah Dorbert (who I believe is Rogell’s daughter) to give birth to a baby who could not breathe and had no chance of survival...and as if that isn’t horrible enough, we learn about more anti-LBGTQ BS in that state, which is becoming more awful by the minute...

...and sticking with more “values” nonsense, David Doel tells us about Nikki Haley’s own version of anti-trans BS, which went over like a thud at this “eggs and politics” breakfast in New Hampshire (as if she actually has a shot at winning her party’s nomination) yes, there are some slivers of sanity form that bunch...and once more, it figures that Haley and her same-party pals went to New Hampshire – this may help Haley slightly in a primary, but it won’t do a lick of good in the general election, which she won’t get to anyway...this is a pretty comprehensive report from Doel with a lot of data points, and I admire his honesty at the end – I absolutely know how he feels (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and stories like this would get me, Doel, and other reasonably sane people discouraged also, and that is wingnuts losing their sh*t over pride clothing at Target...the planet is melting, we’re drowning in guns (mainly assault weapons), women are losing their health care, our life expectancy in this country is decreasing, the rich are getting richer at our expense, and THIS is the idiocy these life forms choose to preoccupy themselves with (as John and Jayar tell us – some serious drip going on with Jayar’s cap)...

...well, if you want an example of how our side can use power effectively for its constituents, Sam and Emma of The Majority Report give us the Minnesota Farm Labor Party at work...the clip also includes Uber drivers winning a wage increase – LOVE that clip of the workers chanting “Yes we can”....”When you get the power, you use it” indeed (and don’t get me started on how the D.C. Dems, notably Biden and the thoroughly useless Chuck Schumer, don’t fight on similar issues and, for the 1000th time, manage to lose control of the narrative because of lousy messaging...that doesn’t stop Team D from HECTORING ME RELENTLESSLY MULTIPLE TIMES EVERY DAMN DAY for money with phone calls, Emails and texts...I can’t believe you guys are losing out to these troglodytes running the U.S. House...please find a damn spine somehow!)...

...and moving a little further south geographically, Jesse Dollemore tells us about actor Jon Hamm making an ad for Dem Lucas Kunce of Missouri, running against incumbent Repug U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (with “running” being literal in Hawley’s case of course)...Hawley’s screeds about masculinity are an utter joke, particularly against a Marine vet like Kunce...

...and my anger at Biden that I noted earlier has to do with this debt ceiling nonsense, which could end up hosing the economy of the world and not just us...I don’t want to hear any of this “10 dimensional chess, smartest guy in the room” BS about #46 – it was plainly obvious that the other side was just going to engage in more and more hostage taking and refuse to be serious about negotiations, and “Dark Brandon” should have acted accordingly and minted the damn coin, invoked the 14th amendment, made sure the Gephardt Rule was reinstated before the Dems lost the House, etc...

...and another musical icon has departed...RIP Tina Turner (I went back and forth on choosing which of these tunes to add, but I finally said the hell with it and went with both).

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