Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

Yeah, if it’s a day with a “y” in it, then that means that it’s not time to politicize gun violence again; according to MSNBC, the cops are treating this as a workplace-violence-related issue...obviously it’s a “gun” issue also (5 are dead including the shooter and 6 are being treated at University of Louisville Hospital...one is critical...there were 9 injured total but 3 were treated and released...and this lunatic had an AR-15 as noted here)...

...and on the subject of imaginary “violence” (as opposed to the all-too-real kind), Farron Cousins tells us that some Fix Noise bimbo is mad about Biden inviting Tennessee state reps Justin Jones, Justin Pearson and Gloria Johnson to the White House in response to the expulsion of Jones and Pearson (Jones was just reinstated of course), though, as Cousins notes, this harpie has not one damn thing to say about other ACTUAL violence in this country, against women, LGBTQ individuals, or anyone on the wrong end of a gun...

...and sticking with the subject of real violence, Kyle Kulinski tells us that All-Hat-No-Cattle Greg Abbott of Texas is looking to pardon some assassin named Daniel Perry who got it into his head to have a showdown with a BLM protestor and killed one of them exercising his right of free speech (the protestor of course)...Abbott was spurred into action by the caterwauling of The Swanson TV Dinner Heir as we find out (more here)...

Update 4/13/23: Gee, this sure figures about this nut, huh?

...and John and Jayar of The Damage Report tell us about the disgusting party switch form Team “D” to Team “R” by Tricia Cotham in North Carolina, giving Repugs a veto-proof majority in their state legislature...I get it that people switch sides in politics all the time, but in Sinema-esque fashion, Cotham did it in such as way as to totally flip off all of the people who worked for her campaign...

Update 5/5/23: "Rot in hell" indeed (here).

...and to give you a bit of actual good news, David Pakman tells us that Dem Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer just signed into law a repeal of that state’s 1931 abortion ban...

...and given the first clip, if you guessed that I think it’s time for another damn anti-gun song, you guessed correctly.

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