Thursday, April 06, 2023

Thursday Stuff

David Doel informs us that Marjorie Traitor Greene got the “big apple” treatment she should have gotten from Lesley Stahl when Greene went to NYC for the arraignment of our 45th *president (and Jamaal Bowman stood tall once again...and for that disgusting harpie Greene to compare Trump to Jesus during Holy Week is offensive into the stratosphere as far as I’m concerned)...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about Dumb Jr., Eric and that trashy loon from Georgia basically trying to dox the daughter of the judge hearing the case against Combover Caligula (sentencing will come one day I believe, and when it does, I’ll celebrate)..., Farron Cousins tells us how getting indicted has been a cash cow for Our Treasonous Orange Pustule...never a shortage of goofballs apparently who just can’t help but fork over money to this third-rate con man...

...and John and Jayar tell us about Van Jones breaking out the world’s smallest violin for our Indicted Executive Criminal Suspect (yeah, Jones has sure fallen down the metaphorical rabbit hole all right)...

...turning to more substantive political matters, Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report discusses the three Tennessee state lawmakers who are facing expulsion from that body for advocating for gun control, and they would be Justin Jones, Justin Pearson and Gloria Johnson (more here)...yes, these three were in the right to stand up with the students who were protesting for their safety, but I have to ask whose idea it was to bring a bullhorn into that chamber (a bit tangential I know, but I believe that’s what gave those pig-headed Repugs the opening to expel these three reps)...

Update: As Will Bunch sez, it's pretty much "Racism 101" from "the volunteer state" (here).

...and speaking of butt-hurt Repugs, Jeff Wiggins of Rebel HQ brings us the remarks from man-baby Dan Kelly of Wisconsin in the wake of his loss to Janet Protasiewicz for a seat on that state’s supreme court (and kudos to Brandon Johnson also for his win in the Chicago mayoral race)...

...also, Joy Reid speaks with the exonerated Central Park 5 member (Yusef Salaam) who ran a full-page ad imitating the look (but not the angry, factually wrong claims) of an ad Our Ochre Abomination ran against him and the other 4 defendants in 1989; good luck in his run for city council from Harlem (and I don’t give a damn about anything prosecutor Linda Fairstein might have to say in this case...more here)...

...and on this day in 1968, Pink Floyd announced that lead singer Syd Barrett was leaving the group due to his deteriorating mental health from drug abuse...makes me recall this tune.

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