Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Wednesday Stuff

Jesse Dollemore discusses some of the “great unwashed” supporters for Our Ochre Abomination comparing #45 to Our Lord – yes, I’ll give the Email writer points for politeness, but that’s more than completely negated by her dunderheaded stupidity about Biden’s predecessor and the charges that likely will be brought by Alvin Bragg (any day now, any day now, as the song goes...I know this portrait is completely blasphemous, and I can't tell you how offensive it is to me as a Roman Catholic, but these crazies need to be held to account for this stuff)...

...and John and Jayar of The Damage Report tell us about more censorship of a social studies book in Flori-DUUH! where just about ANY information to identify Rossa Parks is removed from the text...basically, if you’re going to try and tell her story like that, why even mention Parks AT ALL...”some lady with a skin color rode a bus and did something that we remember the end” (and apparently, based on this, “Meatball Ron” doesn’t remember anything about 9/11; a terrific response to the oppression in that state is here)...

...and Mike Figueredo tells us that, under Utah’s beyond-ridiculous book banning law, someone is trying to get the Bible off of shelves in that state – more info is here...

...and Ana and Cenk of TYT tells us that, apparently, “Bibi” went too far in trying to get rid of Israel’s Supreme Court and ended up getting rid of his defense minister who stood up to him (but unfortunately, as Cenk says, it definitely looks like this isn’t over, despite the protests going on against Netanyahu).

(And by the way, speaking of TYT, I know about “the argument”...from what I saw, Cenk did indeed make a generalization when he said that “Republicans love criminals” or words to that effect, and Ana was right to initially criticize him over it. To me, Cenk apologized for that, but Ana kept harping...rather pointlessly, actually. Cenk was saying that Republicans don’t like us and many of us don’t like them...which to me is merely acknowledging reality...but can we at least come together on economic issues since the “one percent” uses their influence, including corporate media, to keep us divided over culture wars BS while they continue to steal us blind, WHICH IS ABSOLUTELY FREAKING RIGHT!!!, but Ana kept yelling anyway, which I couldn’t figure out. No, I didn’t see the entire 13 or 25-minute argument or whatever it was, since I have neither the time nor desire to wade through that stuff, but that’s my story and I’m sticking with it...if you want to watch a video where Kyle Kulinski discusses this some more, click here) – the Israel clip follows...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less)...with still more gun-related carnage in the news, I think it’s apropos to bring back this clip of Jim Carrey’s “Cold Dead Hand”...TYT commented on the video on 3/29/13, even though the “Funny or Die” clip dropped on about 3/14 (probably NSFW/H)...

...and the prior clip made an anti-gun point with some comedy in a tune, but this is completely serious from Tom Paxton; when all else fails, I guess we need some aging hippie dudes to lead the way :-).

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