Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

Farron Cousins gives us the latest developments in Flor-DUUUH!, and that would be a typically unconscionable law making it easier for #DeathSantis to sue his critics for libel and defamation (with the help of this Alex Andrade wingnut as noted here)...and yeah, wouldn’t it be sweet to see this boneheaded stunt boomerang on Repug-friendly media the way Cousins describes?...

...and this clip from TYT Indisputable with Sharon Reed and Jeff Wiggins discusses the “Karen” in Hatboro near these parts who lost it over some kind of Spanish language thing at a pizza parlor; I guess they were watching soccer on TV, which was perfectly legal the last I checked (I don’t think the possibility that this outburst was premedicated should be discounted either, partly because of her claim about “I have so-and-so followers” – the curse of social media strikes again, and I’m removing my tongue from my cheek as I say that...well, everybody knows what type of person this woman is now...ugh!)...

...and John and Rayy Vana of The Damage Report tell us about Margaret Brennan of the “third eye” network trying to claim that, by legitimately criticizing journalists and their news coverage, Bernie Sanders is “targeting” them somehow – good push back by Bernie as usual... definitely NOT the same as the Gropenfuhrer and his caterwauling about “fake news,” and marking the fourth estate for violence...kudos to John for working in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs...

...and for the sake of idiot Ukraine war “truthers” out there such as noted here (I honestly didn’t know that was a thing, but I guess I should never underestimate this country’s ability to be totally stoo-pid), I give you this from the German network DW and correspondent Mathias Bolinger (more here)...

...and Emma V. tells us about horrific child labor conditions at a meat packing facility involving dangerous sanitation practices (some outfit called PSSI, bankrolled by the Blackstone private equity firm); great report for Julia Ainsley of NBC News...yeah, typical for these corporate criminals like Blackstone to leverage themselves with debt into oblivion, then use that as an excuse for “belt tightening” to the point where kids are hired for work like that described in the video...a shame that we don’t have enough “muckraking” journos like Upton Sinclair or Jacob Riis these days, who probably would be vilified 24/7 by Fix Noise, Newsmax and others (and no, I’m not giving “Dark Brandon” a pass on this either as opposed to Mango Mussolini)...

Update 3/1/23: Kudos to President Biden for this.

...and with the prior clip in mind, I should note that we recently observed the 75th anniversary of Wood Guthrie’s song “Deportee,” performed here by his son Arlo (more here).

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