Friday, February 24, 2023

Friday Stuff

Thom Hartmann asks if the “far right” has turned religion into an authoritarian cult; if you have to ask the question, I have a feeling you already know the answer (I'm not sure if Thom is referring to the Super Bowl “He gets us” ad or not, and he references David Green of Hobby Lobby...and I agree with Thom on Franklin vs. Billy Graham...and GREAT point by Thom that a lot of the states where these religious hustlers practice their con are also states that refuse to expand Medicaid, even though it’s basically free money...and not supporting Ukraine is more than a bit of a “tell” also from these charlatans as far as I’m concerned)...

...and John and Ana of TYT bring us Alaska state rep David Eastman – I have to admit that I didn’t have a Repug politician saying there’s an upside to child death on my Bingo card; more on this Eastman ghoul is here...and yeah, he’s a Trumper all right (related commentary from Thom H. is here)...

...and retired U.S. Army Major Richard Ojeda tells us about Marjorie Trailer Park ($700K) Greene saying that we need a “national divorce” (I can almost feel my brain cells dying when I listen to this horrible woman)...

...and turning to the East Palestine, OH rail spill, David Pakman tells us that...rut-row!...Norfolk Southern apparently eliminated a critical maintenance role that could have led to the sounds like something called the hot box detector was going off before the train derailed, but nobody could do anything about it – ugh!...

...and this is an absolutely terrific clip by More Perfect Union on the despicable con of “right to work” laws and the re-awakening (I would call it) of organized labor in this country in response...really important history of the labor movement presented in this video...

...and tomorrow marks what would have been the 80th birthday of George Harrison.

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