Monday, June 28, 2021

Monday Stuff

Brianna Keilar of CNN gives us a report on how The Roger Ailes BS Factory (in particular, Laura Ingraham and The Swanson TV Dinner Heir) do their best to gin up white rage on an almost-daily basis (yeah, typical for Ingraham to focus on what allegedly was property violence in the wake of the George Floyd protests, since I guess non-white people aren’t actually people as far as she’s concerned)...

...and David Shuster of Rebel HQ tells us about Paterson, NJ cop Spencer Finch beating up a black man who didn’t appear to give cause for this type of a response (yep, unfortunately, I'm not sure what impact the Derek Chauvin verdict will ultimately have)...

...and Ari Berman of Mother Jones reminds us of the garbage anti-voting bills out there supported by the “GOP” (nothing "grand" about them as far as I'm concerned...and feel free to throw this in the face of any conservative who starts with "Gee, Democrats owned slaves when Lincoln was president")...

...and this report from Second Thought is another video on what is potentially our next housing crisis (and it should come as no surprise whatsoever that Chucky Koch is smack dab in the middle of this mess...and of course, our corporate media is doing its best to manufacture this BS that younger people entering this rigged economy of ours want to rent homes as opposed to buying and building up equity)...

...and for the cherry on the icing of this shit sundae, if you will, Farron Cousins reminds us of our corporate overlords (representing 55 companies in particular) who have the ill-gotten wealth to create the housing bubble just noted largely because they paid absolutely nothing in taxes for 2020 (and speaking of crappy companies, I give you this)...

...and given the utterly depressing news of the prior two videos, I need a bit of an uplifting summer tune.

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