Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Tuesday Stuff

Cenk, Jayar and Trae Crowder of TYT discuss the Missouri “lege” passing a bill to proclaim Rush Limbaugh Day; terrific – I guess that means that everyone in the state will get all jazzed on “hillbilly heroin” and head to the Dominican Republic for hookers, right? (more here and here)...

...and sticking with the “show me state,” CNN’s Brianna Keilar calls out that scumbag Josh Hawley for complaining about allegedly being censored (and I take particular offense over this garbage person’s claim about something allegedly being wrong with the vote in PA...as Keilar points out, Hawley has opposed EVERYTHING from the Biden Administration...and yeah, it appears that whining about "cancel culture" is now the go-to move for every entitled prick in this country who believes that they're not getting their way)...

...and as regards our corporate media, it seems that “Foxitis” could be a variation of the “Twinkie Defense” once used by Dan White on trial for murdering Harvey Milk and George Moscone in San Francisco (Alicia Menendez of MSNBC speaks to Jill Wine-Banks, a former Watergate prosecutor...interesting questions about using this as a defense in front of a jury, which is kind of pathetic actually...and with all due respect to J W-B, I don’t see anything happening from any legislature in this country in a “bipartisan” way when it comes to a 9/11-style commission, though it should of course, and though the gaggle of Trumpsters mentioned here including Barr and Giuliani SHOULD be disbarred, if I had to bet, I would say that that’s unlikely, though again, it would be totally deserved)...

...and turning to another network that is the direct political opposite of The Roger Ailes BS Factory (from Rachel Maddow), allow me to present the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 5/10/20 (just a short trip back today), when we had only about 76K in COVID casualties and Combover Caligula got “lava level mad” when he felt he was exposed to ‘rona (notwithstanding this of course...an update is here)...

...and kudos to Mehdi Hasan for doing a state-by-state breakdown of GOP voter suppression efforts – kicking butt and taking names in my book here...

...and Bill Maher is fading in relevance by the day; this time, he attacks Twitch users (yeah, it’s definitely not my first choice of online information or entertainment, but at a certain point, I think you need to ask yourself if you’re just a cranky old fart for complaining, and I think Maher reached that point awhile ago, as John and Francesca explain)...

Update 5/13/21: Please understand; I don't wish ill on Maher of course despite his idiocy, but I think it's concerning that he's supposedly fully vaccinated but tested positive anyway (here).

...and I thought this was a neat ad by Public Citizen on behalf of the John Lewis For The People Act (yep, when life forms like Barrasso, Mike Lee and Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao are all complaining, then you’re heading in the right direction)...

...and RIP Lloyd Price.

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