Monday, May 31, 2021

Monday Stuff

(And with the great Rob Rogers cartoon in mind, I'd also like to offer this.)

It’s no exaggeration to say that there are now so many mass shootings any more with them all running together that it’s hard to keep track of them all, but the latest took place outside of Miami, as Sam Brock of MSNBC recently reported (more here)...

...even though retired NYPD detective Pat Brosnan blamed mass shootings on the COVID vaccine – huh? (more here)...

...and Cenk, Jayar and Mike Doyle tell us about the truly awful anti-abortion bills that passed the PA “lege” (and once more, had Scott “Stomp Tom Wolf’s Face With Golf Cleats” Wagner somehow won in 2018, all of that monstrous insanity would be law)...

...and on an unrelated matter, Sean McCarroll, formerly of the Grosse Pointe school district, is a boss for this as far as I’m concerned, and I wish him all the best...

...and Trymaine Lee of MSNBC tells us about the Tulsa Race Massacre which took place 100 years ago today (sorry I forgot to note earlier the program that aired last night, but as mentioned, it's on demand on the Peacock channel - more here)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that Arizona independent voters are getting PO’ed by the audit in that state (and I think the pledge is a great idea)...

...and I thought this was a well-done Lincoln Project video with today’s holiday in mind...

...and I’d like to offer the following as a tribute to all of those we’ve lost who have carried a weapon for this country (the theme of the ultimate sacrifice is universal as far as I’m concerned).

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