Monday, April 19, 2021

Monday Stuff

Joe Scar of “Morning Jo(ke)” shows his true wretched colors here with Dem U.S. House Rep Sean Maloney, with the MSNBC host parroting Repug talking points and having a hissy fit when Maloney calls him on it (I think the attack lines Scar mentioned caught the Dems off guard, but not because the attack lines weren’t absolutely ridiculous in the first place...AOC said the Dems need to do a MUCH BETTER job on social media to blunt this garbage, and she’s absolutely right – we need to replace their crappy messaging with our GOOD messaging, and as David Doel says, incumbent progressives won re-election in the House last year, though I realize the picture is complicated by other factors too)...

...and sticking with the subject of wingnut temper tantrums, there are all kinds of reasons why I rate Repug lunatic U.S. House Rep Gym Jordan as a lower life form than a garden slug (a shame you can’t pour a beer on Jordan and watch him disintegrate into a mass of sodium goo on a sidewalk), but for now I decided to punish myself (and, by extension, you dear viewer) and air this clip of his interaction with Dr. listen to this craven demagogue rant at someone who has more intellect in his little finger than Jordan does in his entire wretched self was just about too much to take, particularly when this asshole from Ohio talks about going to church (yep, performative garbage, as Brian Tyler Cohen correctly describes it)...

...and in a sane world, a life form like Jordan would inflict this treatment on the “Karen” who coughed on the woman who had brain cancer instead of Dr. Fauci, as Farron Cousins tells us (I swear, I may never visit Florida again after this...mildly NSFW)...

...of course, maybe all of the anti-maskers out there could try this product instead (hey, we have to find humor somehow)...

...and John, Cenk and Bridget Todd tell us about cops donating to a fund to help (accused, let’s not forget) Kenosha, WI shooter Kyle Rittenhouse – I know I said a couple of days ago that the Adam Toledo shooting (a kid all of 13...just a reminder) was more of a gray area because it was a dark alley and Ofc. Eric Stillman had less time to respond, which is true, but it’s still an undeniable fact that Toledo had his empty hands up and was shot fatally in the chest anyway...I can’t recall all of the clip at the moment, but I remember recently seeing the head of the Chicago police union I believe acting pretty indignant over the fact that Stillman is being questioned at all, and I thought, sure a-hole, go ahead and fan the flames, as it were...

...and damn, I’m pretty sure it was just a few weeks ago when I wished Rusty Young a happy birthday – RIP.

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