Monday, October 12, 2020

Monday Stuff

I know I’m repeating myself, but I’m sure that, in the future, these Lincoln Project people will probably turn on a dime against us one day, but for now they’re doing great work – imagine Democrats coming up with something like this...I wish I could...

...and this Now This clip points out the other world leaders besides the Gropenfuhrer who’ve utterly bungled their country’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, notably Boris Johnson of the UK and Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil...

...and I believe that “Trump is not America” either, though unfortunately, the alleged adult attacking anti-Trump protestors here actually is...

...and John and Francesca bring us some post-debate Trump/Biden polling; yes, it looks good, but have no illusions about the fact that this will be a fight to the bitter end...

...and I now bring you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 10/13/15 – this is a video of President Clinton’s statement in response to the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole, which happened 20 years ago today believe it or not...there are wingnuts out there who hated everything Clinton did of course, and one of their peeves at him was not responding militarily after the bombing, and the reason why he didn’t was because the investigation into who exactly was responsible was ongoing as he left office...the linked Wikipedia article tells the story of who was ultimately held accountable (namely, the government of Sudan), along with the fact that the bombers were held at GITMO but apparently later released...earlier this year, Sudan paid reparations to the families of our service people killed in the attack as part of normalizing relations, which (it would seem) closes the chapter on the whole tragic part of training for naval recruits, there is a simulation of the Cole bombing scenario at the Naval Station Great Lakes, Illinois...

...and last Saturday was World Mental Health Day, and if ever there was a year that would challenge us in that department, it would be this one – please reach out for help if you feel you need it.

Update: I have a personal favor to ask. If you have any coin whatsoever that you can spare, please forward it to the U.S. Senate campaign for Michigan Dem Gary Peters. His campaign is ABOLSUTELY BUGGING THE LIVING CRAP OUT OE ME FOR MONEY!!! Phone calls, Emails, name it.

Yes, I know that the DeVos family is spending stupid $$ because they want that seat and they want that token John James to do Mango Mussolini’s bidding. Yes, I know the polling is much closer than it should be. BUT I’M TIRED OF THIS CAMPAIGN PUTTING THE BITE ON ME MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY!!!!

(Also, if you're so inclined, other U.S. Senate-running Dems could use some monetary help also - please see this list.)

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