Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Wednesday Stuff

Cenk and Ana tell us about Thomas Modly, the assclown who “resigned” after criticizing Capt. Brett Crozier of the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt over the latter’s commendable actions to help those under his command who were exposed to COVID-19, as was Crozier himself who came down with it unfortunately…all the best…good point by Cenk about Crozier having gone through channels first, meeting the predictable roadblocks under this lawless regime…

Update: And on this subject (and when it comes to "Death Wish" Republicans), I give you this...


…and Bernie officially drops out...more here – I’m sure that idiot Whoopi Goldberg will be happy now; Bernie was the “good soldier” in 2016 for HRC, and he’s pledged to be that for Biden now, and I have no reason whatsoever to doubt him on that (good point to keep pushing for platform changes – the struggle goes on)…

…and David Pakman presents us with an example of a religious leader acting commendably in response to ramblings from Laura Ingraham…I’m not even sure what the hell her question was, but the elitism oozed out of every word – so the “working class” needs religion more than she does? We’re all going to be judged one day, and you’d better believe that that applies to her too (and Pakman is absolutely right about Father Murray...and I love the way Fix Noise always seems to have at least one nodding head along with one of their idiot hosts to try and drum home their narratives to "the rabble" - a related item is here)…

…and since I don’t have the other Pakman clip of religiosity gone bad, I present this from Kyle K. (about a dozen states exempt religious gatherings from “shelter in place” restrictions, stupidly enough…I like to think that I’m at least a hallway-decent practicing Catholic, and I have to tell you that the woman interviewed in the car is nuts)…

…and Robert Reich tells us about CEOs claiming to be heroes – yeah, right

…and in my quest to find some news that is actually good, I came across this item concerning a high school teacher in Union, NJ connecting virtually with his students (and parents also – kudos)…

...and no, I never intend to let Our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed Orange Dictator Wannabe forget about this (more here)...

...and with all of this insanity raging, I have to admit that certain tunes have been running around in my head more than usual, including this one.

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