Thursday, February 21, 2019

Thursday Stuff

Kyle Kulinski tells us about the 11-year-old in Lakeland, FL arrested because he didn’t stand for the Pledge of Allegiance (I'm OK with Kyle on this, though I think it’s possible for 11-year-olds to have political opinions…and yeah, the substitute teacher screwed the proverbial pooch here IMHO – NSFW…by the way, the pic shows how the Pledge used to be recited in this country prior to WWII featuring what was once referred to as the "Bellamy Salute,” though it was abandoned for obvious reasons)…

…and that to me is the perfect segue to this clip on the short documentary subject “A Night At The Garden,” which took place 80 years ago yesterday (filmmaker Marshall Curry is interviewed…and I think this, sadly, is what I would call a similar cautionary lesson)…

Update 2/22/19: And as long as we're harking back to those goose-stepping bygone days, I should probably present this also about yet another Trumpian goofball.

Update 3/2/19: And you just KNOW she had to join the party too, right? (here)

…and on the subject of kids objecting to repressive authority, Francis Maxwell of “The Breakdown” tells us about 15-year-old Claudette Colvin, the first person to challenge Montgomery, AL’s bus boycott, before Rosa Parks (apropos to recall anytime, but especially during Black History Month)…

…and Sam Seder of “The Majority Report” talks with Eric Blanc of Jacobin…not sure what that is (re, the Denver teacher strike, and potentially other teacher strikes also, fighting against privatization and “corporate education reform”…yes, on paper, merit pay sounds good, but not when it’s tied to some BS metric like standardized test performance…interesting to look at this as a push-back against the Janus decision, but yeah, that seems to fit, with Oakland, CA apparently next on the list)…

...and happy 70th birthday to Jerry Harrison of Talking Heads...

...and RIP Peter Tork of The Monkees.

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