Thursday, December 20, 2018

Thursday Stuff

Rick Sanchez (now on RT America) tells us about the teacher fired in Texas for not taking the pro-Israel loyalty oath (more here…and yes, I have issues with The Putin Network to be sure as well as Glenn Greenwald lately, but unfortunately I think they’re spot-on here…also haven’t forgotten that Sanchez was fired from CNN years ago for invoking Judaism in criticizing Jon Stewart – I’ve gone back and forth over that decision ever since…and I don’t give a damn what the law says about this ridiculous oath in our beloved commonwealth of PA, just to let you know)…

…and as long as I’m referring to Russia, I think that’s an appropriate segue into this story from Rachel Maddow about Generalissimo Trump deciding to pull our troops out of Syria (with Rukmini Callimachi, foreign correspondent for The New York Times)…I think this is exactly what Putin wants, which is disgusting, but if it means fewer of our military are in harm’s way for reasons that have never been even partially explained, then on balance it’s a good thing (I’ll leave the geopolitical stuff to people who know a hell of a lot more about that than I do)…

…and Cenk and Ana tell us about the Syrian high school student getting beaten up in Texas (apparently though, this had more to do with the attacking girl wanting to vape than the fact that the Hijab-wearing girl who got attacked in response was from Syria, though I’ll admit that there are still some unknowns here…at this moment, I’m inclined to agree with Cenk)…

…and when it comes to the Gropenfuhrer, I guess the question is who are you going to believe? Number 45, or your own lying eyes? And yeah, I also don’t think this will make much of a dent when it comes to those humanoids who ingest Fix Noise on a fairly regular basis, but all we can do is try to put the truth out there and see what happens (Sam Seder and the rest of The Majority Report crew tell us more)…

…and here are more seasonal selections as I make my way down the list in anticipation of the big day.

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