Friday, June 01, 2018

Friday Stuff

Cenk and Ana of TYT tell us about the typically disgusting legal machinations of the Trumpsters against the Election Day protesters in D.C. (more here, and that bastard James O’Keefe is affiliated with these maggots at Project Veritas, let’s not forget…more on Jennifer Kerkhoff is here)…

…and Michael Brooks of The Majority Report talks with Eric Levitz and reminds us that Puerto Rico is still suffering in what you could argue are Biblical proportions at the hands of Generalissimo Trump and his gang (to be fair, though, extracting from Puerto Rico is a politically bipartisan offense – all totally unnecessary; this is what happens when you put people in charge of government who REALLY SUCK AT government)…

…and Rachel Maddow speaks with Dem Danica Roem, who supported Medicaid expansion in VA, which just passed (elections indeed have consequences…I would ask that you pay particular attention to this clip from about 4:45 to the end)…

Update 6/4/18: And when it comes to activism, let's not forget this too.

…and for the completely wrong-headed and diametrically opposed point of view, I give you this report from Kyle K. (NSFW of course…and to tell Repug Rep Bill Carrico what you think of his “you’re gonna die” comment, click here)…

…and Trevor Noah tells us how the Gropenfuhrer recently met with “reality TV” star Kim Kardashian and, perhaps, took away the completely wrong lesson as you might expect (namely, his pardoning of Dinesh D’Felon)…

…and I’m definitely overdue with this, but here it is anyway, namely, the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 5/30/08, in which I present the tune that swept the nation at the time – heh…(yeah, the “stim” from Dubya ended up being worth about as much as our Tiny-Handed Treasonous Orange Dictator’s tax scam will likely turn out to be, happily signed off on by Bri-Fi in PA-01…to do something about it, click here)…

…oh, and while everyone is mad at Sam Bee for what she said about Ivanka Trump, I thought I’d bring you this bit from the show which has been overshadowed I’m sure (based on this – and by the way, in the context of this brouhaha, let’s not forget this too)…

…and I can’t say if I’m “electrified” or not, but since it’s the weekend, give me a few hours and I might end up a little “baked” (hey now!).

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