Thursday, February 09, 2017

Thursday Stuff

K.O. tells us about the travesties committed in our name, particularly against kids, by Generalissimo Trump…

…and I give you another installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” from 2/9/10, which marks the 67th anniversary of Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy’s speech alleging that more than 200 employees of the U.S. State Department were members of the Communist Party; to note the 60th anniversary, I included the following clip from “Good Night And Good Luck” with David Strathairn channeling Edward R. Murrow; the comments were aimed right at McCarthy, but they can just as easily be directed at Number 45 right now…

…and “Napoleon Bona-Trump”…good one (here)…

...meanwhile, Kyle K.tells us about Trump token Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County and his ad against Dem U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (typical - NSFW)...

…and Rachel Maddow reminds us that, when it comes to the Repugs and racism, it’s a feature, not a bug (recalling in particular the ’00 campaign in South Carolina – great job of connecting the dots between The Sainted Ronnie R, Former Commander Codpiece, Jeff Sessions, Chuck Cooper, etc. – the last two minutes of this should be viewed by every American)…

Update: Some justice, you might say (here - h/t Rachel Maddow)...

…which, if nothing else, is the perfect transition to this song.

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