Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday Stuff

I give you a snapshot of Life In These United States (Washington, D.C. in particular) from yesterday (and this happened also)…

…and Rachel Maddow brings us some echoes of Repug history in this clip, mainly how The Sainted Ronnie R began his campaign for the presidency (rounding up the herd of racist cats, if you will) and what that has in common with the latest escapade from "The Donald" on Long Island...

…and on a similar note, I usually couldn’t give a fig about all of the political horse race BS, but I thought this was an interesting discussion between Chris Hayes, GQ’s Drew Magary and Sam Seder about what “The Donald” might do once he takes a good, hard look at the reality of this election, assuming he hasn’t done that already (somewhat amusing stuff)…

…and “Occam’s Razor”? “Deus ex Machina”? Dag Chris, this is MSNBC, not Wellesley College!...

…and John Oliver delivers a pithy expose of sorts once again, this time on credit reporting (just like most “snoozer” topics, it’s easy to forget how important this stuff really is – here)…

….and Thom Hartmann brings us economic and labor news for the week…

…and we ended up with a nice little refund; hope you all end up doing OK also (50th birthday of this song also, believe it or not).

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