Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday Stuff

So it looks like "blue tarp guy" in Oregon bit the dust - cry me a river...

...and Lawrence O’Donnell interviews former U.S. House Rep Patrick Kennedy, JFK’s nephew, in response to some truly insulting idiocy from Ted Cruz on the subject of our 35th president, particularly Cruz’s utterly mean-spirited paraphrasing of the quote from RFK’s eulogy…

Update 2/1/16: Either not enough Iowa voters saw this report, or those that saw didn't care (here).

...and I thought this was a good report by Chris Hayes focusing on the latest antics from "Governor Bully" (what a buffoon - Christie, I mean; LOVE the sidewalk sign with the mop AND the box of donuts)...

…and this tells us about a celebration for Joan Baez’s 75th birthday, which apparently took place earlier this month – probably an understatement to call her a liberal icon; here is a tune for the occasion.

Update 11/18/16: And typically fighting the good fight as noted here...

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