Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday Stuff

God, I love it when the wingnuts have a circular firing squad (here); they end up blasting each other better than I ever could...pass the popcorn (and kudos to Charles Pierce for keeping a straight face)...

...and you know what? It's almost funny at this point with Governor Bully - almost (here, and yeah, I guess he WOULD be opposed to a healthy eating initiative - ooooh, YOU BAD LI-BU-RUUL! HOW DARE YOU CRITICIZE CHRISTIE's APPEARANCE!)...

…and sticking with the "Last Word" host, this is a truly ballsy “Rewrite” segment from Lawrence O’Donnell about Donald Trump and “The Duke”…and oh yeah, O’Donnell is absolutely right (I seem to recall reading how pissed off Wayne was about the movie “High Noon,” which is actually the antithesis of the supposedly great American western…O’Donnell says something I’d actually been thinking about but never gave a voice to myself…and oh yeah, I’ve GOT to go see “Trumbo” now)…

…and even though “classic” rockers have been dropping like proverbial flies lately, it’s time to commemorate the passing of yet another one, and that would be drummer Dale Griffin of Mott the Hoople…RIP.

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