Friday, April 03, 2015

Friday Stuff

Pope John Paul II died 10 years ago yesterday – yes, he definitely took a hard right turn near the end under Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who would later become Pope Benny, but there is no denying the fact that the former Karol Wojtyła was a towering figure in his day…definitely did his part to ensure the fall of communism – it was absolutely electric in these parts when he came to Philly in 1979…

…and this clip starts out kind of funny, but gets very dark in a hurry – some things happen that are so awful that it’s really not appropriate to try and make political hay out of them, and this qualifies; so stunning to yours truly that I think it’s appropriate just to present it and leave it at that (Larry Stutts, to me, is an almost unspeakably terrible life form)…

...and I know I’m the proverbial broken record on this issue, but that’s because I need to be – paging Mikey the Beloved and his pals in the U.S. House…

…and I’m not going to advocate for this issue one way or the other, but I still think this was an interesting report from Vice News (doing the type of journalism that you should find every night on the news programs brought to us by the companies with initials for names)…

...and I thought this was a pretty good analysis from Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks on the Iran nuke deal...

…and I was going to go with a much more contemporary selection than this one, but I’m sorry – I’ve got to put this up instead in light of both this and this (they had a chance to do something about Brownback last year, as well as Pat Roberts, but whiffed on both counts).

Update 4/4/15: Somehow I don't seriously think anyone on assistance is planning to visit the Caribbean anytime soon - what stupidity (here).

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