Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wednesday Stuff

By the way, when we refer to the “corpocracy,” we’re not kidding, and never have been – and oh yeah, the Idaho Repugs apparently need a biology lesson; the serious stuff, though, has to do with DHS (an update is here - yep, looks like congressional Repugs still can't get their act together; heckuva job, all you idiot voters who gave them the keys to the metaphorical car that they promptly drove into a ditch)…

...and as I watch this, I wonder why the hell every Democrat running for election last year didn't wrap themselves around health care reform - and yes, I know the answer...

...and after watching this NSFW clip, I have even less interest in ever actually seeing “American Sniper”...

...and "the quiet Beatle" would have been 72 today.

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