Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday Stuff

(I also posted here.)

I give you the latest installment of FAIR TV (yep, our corporate media “debate” seems to be between the pro-bomb-ISIS forces and the really-pro-bomb-ISIS forces, which I would be OK with if it achieves the desired effect and doesn’t kill innocent civilians, which always happens in war of course…and yeah, what a supposedly courageous interview with Bill Cosby over the rape allegations)…

…and gosh, whaddaya know – BENGHAZI!! wasn’t really a scandal after all…color me shocked! (and God knows how many taxpayer dollars were wasted on this fiasco)...

…and yeah, even though the day to consume all that el Tryptophan (you can Google it) is but a few days away, leave it to John Oliver to offer some words on Thanksgiving here

..and yeah, I think this musical response is appropriate (to this); my guess is that Darren Wilson is on his way to get lost someplace with a stupid amount of money, made to go away by the Ferguson PD – based on how the statute is written (to say nothing of the grand jury), Wilson may be unindictable, but he sure as hell isn't innocent.

Update 11/25/14: Now with extra irony (here)...

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