Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday Stuff

I guess it really isn't possible to talk about the Ferguson stuff without including Stephen Colbert, which is definitely a good thing...

..and I have to admit that I'm not thrilled over the latest “strategy” remark from President Hopey Changey on Syria; there's probably one in the works, but there are ways to admit that we're a bit “behind the curve” on the issue without coming out and saying it – we probably would be in that position by default in that area of the world anyway...however, Peter King is a waste of protoplasm for acting like Obama's choice of wardrobe matters one bit (more King idiocy is here)...

Update 8/30/14: The last line of this post says, "Memo to media: Please grow up and do your job."

Nail. Hammer. Head.

..and I thought this was a good NSFW clip about the revelations of sexual harassment (or something close to it anyway) in the book by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand; good to see “Morning Joe” get the treatment it deserves (sorry, Mika, but that's what you get – well, maybe I'm not sorry)...

...and it looks like the Allman Brothers are going to hang it up after 45 (!) years (here) – I'd say they've earned all the obligatory kudos and then some.

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