Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday Stuff

I wonder if “Strip Search Sammy” slipped the Hobby Lobby verdict under the door before all of The Supremes beat it out of town (as far as I’m concerned, 7:15 to 7:40 in the following clip cuts to the heart of the issue)…

…and by the way, what say you on this, Mikey the Beloved (as if I need to ask…as I and others have said, if men got pregnant, there would be so many “morning after” and contraception pills and devices on the market that you would trip over them, probably any time you wanted to purchase a firearm, and they would all be advertised in Maxim magazine and on Spike TV)…

…also, to do something about this, click here

…and I wonder what would happen if Hobby Lobby or Conestoga Wood tried to enforce a “religious objection” over whether or not their employees were allowed to own guns – you mean to tell me there no potential health care implication with that?...

…and given the awful Hobby Lobby ruling, good luck with paid maternity leave (NSFW)…

...and RIP Bobby Womack.

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