Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday Stuff

Five years ago today, Neda Soltan was killed in Tehran during election protests; her death helped to motivate a movement which, sadly, has not won the day yet, but it will (and without our meddling, I should emphasize; I believe this clip is about a year old)…

…and I don’t care if this is a bad strategy or not – Thad Cochran in Mississippi must be in truly bad shape in his runoff primary election with Teahadist Chris McDaniel if he’s encouraging Democrats to vote for him, which, given that Mississippi has an open primary, is apparently legal…let the true ugliness of the GOP’s “southern strategy” bloom to full flower, as it were, with a McDaniel victory; that will make it a little easier for Dems to win control once and for all afterwards…

…and just remember, as you laugh at another pithy Jon Stewart commentary on a vital issue, that there are methane dispensing bipeds out there who actually vote for people like John Boozman, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions and James Mountain Inhofe…

…and RIP Gerry Goffin – so many hits to choose from, but I settled on this one.

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