Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday Stuff

RIP Sid Caesar – I know there’s YouTube video out there of the “From Here to Eternity” parody; always good for a few laughs – what a great legacy…

…and speaking of humor, it looks like French President Hollande has landed on our shores, and Jon Stewart gives our corporate media the appropriate treatment for their farcical attempt at coverage (here)…

…and I think it’s hilarious that Governor Bully has now gone “full wingnut” and embraced his party’s “ownership society” as shown here, including Former President Nutball…

...and I often think of conservatives as cartoonish anyway, and they pretty much cemented that “rep,” if you will, here, as Rev. Al tells us…

…and I know Lawrence O’Donnell has been beating the proverbial dead horse about the wording on the 501(c)(4) law, but he happens to be right (and Billo the Clown continues to be nothing but a rude, interrupting idiot – wonky stuff, I know)…

…and this distinctly American piece of classical music debuted 90 years ago on this day in NYC, which is completely appropriate (something to listen to while we watch yet another snowfall unfold).

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