Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday Stuff

Darn that Mark Fiore and his trenchant commentary – removing tongue from cheek (here)…

…and in a similar vein, I thought this was a good commentary by Lawrence O’Donnell about Judge Leon’s ruling on the NSA spying (and once again, let’s not forget that we’re talking about a Dubya appointee who ruled in favor of that insect Larry Klayman)…

…and I promised that I would avoid the “Duck Dynasty” nonsense, but I can’t resist this commentary from Jon Stewart…

…and I guess that’s a good lead-in to the seasonal stuff...

…and hey, Santa, pass us that bottle willya?...

…and I don’t know what possessed Seth MacFarlane to include Shatner in that Oscar skit this year, or whatever that was – don’t suppose we’ll ever find out.

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