Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thursday Stuff

(I also posted here.)

I read a really good Guest Opinion today in the Bucks County Courier Times (and how often can I say that?) about the importance of the Production Tax Credit for funding renewable energy, particularly wind power, here; one of the things you learn is that the U.S. House Repugs haven’t renewed the PTC (big surprise, I know) and what kind of an impact that could have on jobs (potentially killing 37,000 nationally…the next time you hear Boehner, Cantor or Mikey the Beloved whine about the supposed job-killing regulations of the Obama Administration, tell them to make sure their own glass house is polished before they start throwing stones…P.S., that Texas Teahadist nematode Blake Farenthold was re-elected; to contact these clowns and tell them to renew the credit, click here)…

…and I just have three words for Rachel Maddow’s commentary on the ATF – Nail. Hammer. Head (here)…

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

…and time for seasonal stuff – I usually end a post with this, but I want to change the order; you’ll find out why soon enough…

…and I give you this from The Ghost of Vinyl Christmases Past…

…and you won’t find much country music here, so savor this…

…and I want to close this post with this – amazing when you consider that this group hasn’t been signed by a major label.

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